Tuesday, September 8, 2015

picture hat, also sometimes known as a Gainsborough hat, is an elaborate woman's hat with a wide brim. It has been suggested that the name may be derived from the way the broad brim frames the face to create a 'picture'.
This is a very broad category of hat; some versions may be similar to the halo or cartwheel hat. This style featured in virtually every decade of the 20th century, and has a history dating back to at least the 18th century.
1785-87 Thomas Gainsborough - Portrait of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire

The picture hat was first popularised as a style at the end of the 18th century and is said to have been inspired by the hats seen on portraits of society women painted by Thomas Gainsborough. It was then often known as the Gainsborough Chapeau. Other names included garden hat.These early hats were large, with a wide brim and were designed to perch on top of the lavish hairstyles popular during this era. Hats incorporated details such as feathers and trims – some are said to have even included whole stuffed birds.
The picture hat became fashionable again from the end of the 19th century – popularised in images of Gibson Girls in the United States and Canada and in the Gaiety Girls of the London theatre.
1785  Mr and Mrs William Hallett (The Morning Walk)
                                                 George Romney - Lady Milnes 1788
                                   Mary Constance by Sir William Beechey  1782-87
 Lady by George Romney 1786
                                    Baroness Crussol by Louise-Elisabeth Videe Lebrun 1875
                            Portrait of a Lady Wearing an Elaborate Hat   1785-90
                                          Thomas Gainsborough. -Mrs. Sarah Siddons 1785
                                 Equestrian portrait of María Teresa de Vallabriga 1783

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